VIDEO: Big Problems with Sola Scriptura | A Drive-Time Monologue

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This seemed like a good way to get content out the door vs. trying to do an entire video production with edits, etc. The genre here is a “Drive Time Monologue,” but I invite the listener to imagine a scenario in which we are driving together. Perhaps my passenger is a Catholic who wants to know how Protestants can believe in “Sola Scriptura.” Or, perhaps they are a Protestant who can’t understand how a Catholic could believe that the Bible, ALONE, simply doesn’t tell us every essential thing we need to know about Christianity, and cannot solve our disputes when they are often centered on at least two opposing ideas about things in the Bible. In either case, here is my best stab at pointing out what I believe are some of the biggest practical, historical, philosophical, logical, theological, and yes — BIBLICAL problems with trying to “do Christianity” as someone who insists that the Bible, alone, is the sole infallible source of truth for all Christians.

Please leave a comment if you want to talk more. Enjoy!

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