VIDEO: The Protestant Reflex | A Drive-Time Monologue

Everyone has reflexes and automatic responses and even triggers in response to physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual inputs. In this drive-time monologue, I share what I am calling the “Protestant Reflex.” That is, the automatic response that most Protestants have when discussing theological ideas with Catholics. As someone who spent 33 years in Protestantism and […]

VIDEO: Ex-Catholics & Anti-Catholics Presenting as Expert Catholics | A Drive-Time Monologue

It happens every day in conversations, social media exchanges, and even in media publications; an ex-Catholic, believing (and insisting) that by virtue of their personal experience with Catholicism, presents himself or herself as an expert in discussions about Catholicism. In this drive-time monologue, I propose a different way of understanding what may be happening with […]

VIDEO: Big Problems with Sola Scriptura | A Drive-Time Monologue

This seemed like a good way to get content out the door vs. trying to do an entire video production with edits, etc. The genre here is a “Drive Time Monologue,” but I invite the listener to imagine a scenario in which we are driving together. Perhaps my passenger is a Catholic who wants to […]

35 Beliefs that Would Have Kept Me From Becoming Catholic (That the Catholic Church Doesn’t Teach!)

If the past three years of my life have been anything, they have been an almost daily exercise of frequently using the phrases “but the Catholic Church doesn’t teach that,” and “I wouldn’t have become Catholic if that is what the Catholic Church taught!” That’s because I have found that one has to constantly confront […]