VIDEO: The Protestant Reflex | A Drive-Time Monologue

Everyone has reflexes and automatic responses and even triggers in response to physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual inputs. In this drive-time monologue, I share what I am calling the “Protestant Reflex.” That is, the automatic response that most Protestants have when discussing theological ideas with Catholics. As someone who spent 33 years in Protestantism and […]

VIDEO: Ex-Catholics & Anti-Catholics Presenting as Expert Catholics | A Drive-Time Monologue

It happens every day in conversations, social media exchanges, and even in media publications; an ex-Catholic, believing (and insisting) that by virtue of their personal experience with Catholicism, presents himself or herself as an expert in discussions about Catholicism. In this drive-time monologue, I propose a different way of understanding what may be happening with […]

35 things most Protestants Believe about the Bible not found in the Bible

Below is a list of 35 things that every Protestant and/or Evangelical Christian I have ever met would agree are true. And, before you read the list of 35 things, please note that the following three things are true about every single one of them: There is not a single verse anywhere in the Bible […]

VIDEO: Big Problems with Sola Scriptura | A Drive-Time Monologue

This seemed like a good way to get content out the door vs. trying to do an entire video production with edits, etc. The genre here is a “Drive Time Monologue,” but I invite the listener to imagine a scenario in which we are driving together. Perhaps my passenger is a Catholic who wants to […]

Papal Infallibility | 10 Frequently Asked Questions

In my own journey into the Catholic Church, I identified around 14 theological barriers to embracing Catholicism. Near the top of my list of “deal breakers” was the notion of infallibility. As I have shared many times with many people on my journey, I had to let the Catholic Church use her own words with […]

Does 2 Timothy 3:16-17 really teach “Sola Scriptura?” If you believe it does, I have 8 questions.

One of the charges I often hear from my non-Catholic Christian friends is that I seem to be undermining the inspiration and sufficiency of Scripture in my constant critique of the Protestant doctrine of Sola Scriptura. Nothing could be further from the truth! To quote the Catechism of the Catholic Church: The inspired books teach […]

“I just go by what the Bible teaches!” (A composite, and not-so-imaginary discussion between several bible-only Christians).

Before I was a Catholic (and the entire 12 years I was the senior/teaching pastor at our congregation) I encouraged people to judge everything they believed and to judge what I was teaching them on Sundays, by the Bible — especially if there was a dispute between two contrary ideas that needed to be resolved […]