[VIDEOS] Why Catholics pray to the saints…

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I recently sat down with two Catholic brothers (Gary Michuta – Hands on Apologetics, and Keith Little — The Cordial Catholic) on their podcasts to talk about how I, as a former Protestant, came to embrace the Catholic theology and practice of “praying to the Saints.” It’s one of those often-mentioned “roadblocks” that non-Catholics point to when they share their reasons for not being Catholic. Here, I present my own way of wrestling through this topic. I hope these discussions will be helpful to you if you find this idea difficult to understand and embrace. I have also written a couple of blog posts discussing this theme here if you’d like to read those.

Gary Michuta’s HANDS-ON APOLOGETICS (Aired on 02/18/2022)

Keith Little’s CORDIAL CATHOLIC (Aired on 02/09/2022)


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