AUDIO BOOK: A Catholic View of Protestantism by Fr. John Hardon, S.J.

In September of 2020 I was encouraged by a friend to listen to a lecture by the late Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. on the state of American Protestantism. In his six-hour lecture, Fr. Hardon mentioned books that he had written which had gone out of print. One of them was called “Christianity in Conflict […]

Do Catholics believe in justification by faith?

One of the most often-used and erroneous mischaracterizations of the teaching of the Catholic Church is that the Church teaches “salvation by works,” whereas Protestantism “correctly” teaches salvation by grace through faith alone – or, “justification by faith alone.” In order to correct both errors (the error that the Catholic Church teaches salvation by works, […]

Can you see that the whole world belongs to Jesus? – Sunday Gospel Reflection – Mat. 11:25-30

A reflection on the Gospel reading for the 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time. Matthew 11:25-30 (NABRE) At that time Jesus exclaimed:“I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,for although you have hidden these thingsfrom the wise and the learnedyou have revealed them to little ones.Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will.All […]

People Do Theology

This post is the result of some reflection I have been doing on insights I have gained from Abbot Jeremy Driscoll in his podcast on Theology at the Eucharistic Table. What follows is a mixture of some of his words and ideas, and some of my own. Since the thoughts are mingled together I won’t try too hard […]

No, Catholics don’t worship Mary

When I explain to people that before I could reconcile with the Roman Catholic Church I had to sort through my own theological issues with Catholicism, they always want to know what the specific issues were. In my case, I had a list of 14 issues. It won’t surprise many readers to know (and they’ll […]