Catholic Apologetics Is Winning Converts—Here’s Why Andrew Voigt (and Protestants) Shouldn’t Be Shocked

Andrew Voigt’s recent article at The Gospel Coalition, Roman Catholic Apologetics Is Surging Online. Intended Audience? Protestants, reads like a Protestant reconnaissance report, alarmed at the rising tide of Catholics who (gasp!) actually defend their faith online. According to Voigt, Catholic apologetics is growing, influential, and—perhaps worst of all—persuasive. But instead of wrestling with why […]

The Acts of the Word of God

When I first became a Christian, my King James Bible had as the title for the book of Acts, “The Acts of the Apostles.” Soon after this, I found myself in the Charismatic and Pentecostal traditions and learned that it should hr-hr-rEEeeally be called “The Acts of the Holy Spirit.” In some early Greek manuscripts […]

VIDEOS: Our “Journey Home” Interviews with Marcus Grodi

One of the Catholic ministries that has meant the most to me and my family on our journey into the fulness of the Christian Faith is the Coming Home Network launched by Marcus Grodi in the late 1990s.  The Mission of CHN is “to help non-Catholic Christians, clergy, and laity, discover the truth and beauty […]

Yes, you can be assured of salvation… IF!

Assurance of Salvation is practically stock-in-trade with most evangelical Christians. “How can I know I’m really saved?” or “how can I be sure I’ll go to heaven when I die?” are questions many new Christians ask. A favorite verse for those who want to encourage people that they can know for sure that they have […]

Five questions for “sinner’s prayer” evangelism (Update: Video Added)

Do you believe a person becomes a Christian as the result of saying a “sinner’s prayer”? If so, I have five questions. Question 1: Then what?  After I say the “sinners prayer” to be saved, then what? When I went to Navy boot camp in 1987 one month after my eighteenth birthday, and just one […]

AUDIO BOOK: A Catholic View of Protestantism by Fr. John Hardon, S.J.

In September of 2020 I was encouraged by a friend to listen to a lecture by the late Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J. on the state of American Protestantism. In his six-hour lecture, Fr. Hardon mentioned books that he had written which had gone out of print. One of them was called “Christianity in Conflict […]

What’s the “therefore” there for in Matthew’s Great Commission?

Before we jump in here, just a reminder that there are actually five great commission texts (at least) in the Gospels and Acts. This post is about the one in Matthew’s gospel. In my post surveying the Greek text of Mat. 28:19-20, I noted that I think Matthew 28:18 is actually a key to understanding the […]

The (five) Great Commission(s)

Did you know that there are five texts in the New Testament that contain different facets of the “Great Commission” – and without each of them, there may be something lacking in our understanding of what Jesus wants to do through His Church? I have personally come to see all five texts together as a composite […]

Greek-Geeking the Great Commission in Matthew

We’re all familiar with “The Great Commission” in Matthew 28:18-20. Yes, that’s right, verses 18-20 (most people leave verse 18 off, though I think that’s the most important part – but that’s something covered at length in this post). What about verses 19 and 20? What do those two verses really say? What are the […]