
No, Catholics don’t worship Mary

When I explain to people that before I could reconcile with the Roman Catholic Church I had to sort through my own theological issues with Catholicism, they always want to know what the specific issues were. In my case, I had a list of 14 issues. It won’t surprise many readers to know (and they’ll […]

“Go to St. Joseph” — The Saints in Heaven as Intercessors, Mentors, Counselors, and Spiritual Directors

For those who perhaps have not heard yet, my family and I began an intentional journey of full reconciliation with the Roman Catholic Church back in June of 2018. We are still on that journey which we believe will come to a crescendo when we are received into full communion at our Parish Church on […]

No, Jesus is not re-sacrificed at the Catholic Mass.

Have you ever heard someone say that “Catholics believe they are re-sacrificing Jesus” in the Catholic Mass? I have. And guess what; that’s not the teaching of the Catholic Church regardless of what you might have heard! What follows is what is really happening in the simplest terms I can communicate. Terminology is the key… Part of the problem […]

Survey Confirms: Calvinists agree that Calvin is the best! (satire)

Grand Rapids, MI – A recent survey of over 10,000 Calvinists confirms what all Calvinists have long believed to be true, but for which they now have undisputed, quantitative evidence: Calvinists think Calvin is awesome. In a recent online survey conducted by the Gospel Coalition, one hundred percent of respondents gave the statement, “Calvin is the […]

Local parishioner finally perfects body language and facial expressions indicating trust in God (satire)

Amarillo, TX – Sources confirmed today that Sandy Friesen, a member of Amarillo’s Southside Baptist Church, has finally perfected both the body language and the facial expression that indicates actual trust in God. “For years I’ve heard my pastor use phrases like ‘Put it all in the Lord’s hands,’ or ‘Just trust in the Lord.’ I […]

Entire Christian H.S. Football Team Having Faith-Crisis After Playoff Loss to Public School (satire)

FARWELL, TX – The entire varsity football team at Farwell Christian Academy, a private K-12 Christian School and many of the school’s 37 high school students are reeling after losing their most recent playoff game to Farwell High School (Farwell’s non-Christian public high school). Several area youth pastors and the school chaplain have been on call […]

Church Hires Vocal Coach To Get Congregation Into New Worship Leader’s Range (satire)

Yorba Linda, CA – The sound of higher praise is filling the house at Crossroads Christian Center in Yorba Linda these days. Praise in a higher key signature, that is, thanks to the hard work and dedication of renowned Christian vocal coach Tim Speers. Speers was brought in by the church’s executive leadership in order to help […]